As part of Performing Arts Central Europe Visegrad countries will be presenting their performing arts in Seoul in South Korea

As part of Performing Arts Central Europe Visegrad countries will be presenting their performing arts in Seoul in South Korea

As part of Performing Arts Central Europe Visegrad countries will be presenting their performing arts in Seoul in South Korea

The Arts and Theatre Institute coordinate the international PACE.V4 project (Performing Arts Central Europe - Visegrad Countries Focus), a pilot project focusing on presenting these countries as a group at major international events such as the most important performing arts fairs or important international theatre/dance/music festivals. The first pilot presentation will take place in October 8th to 12th 2012 at the performing arts fair in Seoul in South Korea (Performing Arts Market in Seoul / PACE).
The project is base on the need of bigger visibility of the Visegrad group countries at the international scene thanks to joining forces and mutual synergy of countries which are often disadvantaged by their size or location in the "eastern" part of Europe and it should serve their more powerful presentation at big international forums in North and South America, Asia and Europe.
In its preparatory phase, which ran from March to June 2012, with the support of the International Visegrad Fund, the partner institutions prepared the materials for presenting contemporary theatre, dance and music from the Visegrad countries, and these materials will be used to create group presentations of the performing arts in the Visegrád and Central European region at major events. The cooperation between countries also importantly involves identifying the cultural and historical similarities and differences that manifest themselves in contemporary Czech Slovak, Polish, and Hungarian performing arts productions and especially the theatre.
The project is based on the need to enhance the visibility of Visegrad countries on the international stage by joining forces and synergising the efforts of these countries, which are often at a disadvantage owing to their smaller size or their location in the ‘eastern’ part of Europe. It should help to heighten their profile at large international events in South and North America, Asia, and Europe. The performing arts fair in Seoul will be the first opportunity to engage in this group presentation, which will include an exhibition booth, panel discussions with experts from V4 countries, a showcase of theatre and dance from V4 countries, and a special musical performance titled ‘Visegrad Night’. The following institutions are involved in the project:
Arts and Theatre Institute in Prague, Czech Republic:
Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Warsaw, Poland:
Theatre Institute in Bratislava, Slovakia:
Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute in Budapest, Hungary: Source: ITU

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