
ImPulsTanz Or When All Of Vienna Is Dancing

One of the largest and oldest dance festivals in Europe takes place every July in Vienna. Dozens of different dance workshops, up to eight full-length performances and other accompanying programmes, including films or open-air classes, are offered every day in several cultural institutions and outdoor spaces.

Tanz im August - A Multi-Dance World

The 35th edition of Tanz im August (TiA) marks Ricardo Carmona’s first as artistic director. Carmona is a former dance and performance curator for Hebbel Am Ufer, presenting a programme that reconsiders the conceptual and physical versatility of contemporary choreographic gesture through the search for new narratives, facing the current climate, and political urgency.


Biennale Danza - Altered States in Venice #2

After experiencing the first couple of days, I returned to catch some glimpses from the third and final week of the festival, including the powerful TAO Dance Theatre, recently awarded the 2023 Silver Lion, Biennale College Choreographers’ well put together pieces, and the choreography for objects by Andrea Salustri.

Biennale Danza – Altered States in Venice #1

Located in the stunning buildings of the Arsenale di Venezia, the Teatro Malibran, and Ca' Giustinian (Venice), and Teatro del Parco (Mestre), the Biennale Danza’s three-week programme represents a festival with an international character...

Summer with Butoh at Alta and Venuše

At the beginning of the summer, Prague's venues Venuše ve Švehlovce and Studio ALTA took on an interesting challenge by inviting three butoh dance teachers to lead masterclasses and offering participants an extra scholarship for their participation.