Baroque Night at Ponec Theatre

Baroque Night will take place at Ponec Theatre on January 19th. During the course of the evening you will have the opportunity to watch Andrea Miltnerová's dynamic dance duet The Baroque Body Revealed, which draws inspiration from the baroque. The atmosphere of the piece is further enhanced by the subtle lighting and period make-up. You will see elegant historical costumes and powdered wigs, evoking the refined beauty of the baroque. After the performance and a lesson in baroque dance, you are invited to dance and feast the night away... Bring your own roasted suckling pig, stuffed goose, game pie, plum pudding or sweetmeats. Come in costume or incognito – you can borrow a mask at the theatre... Live music of the Hipocondria Ensemble will accompany the dance ball. Source: Ponec, photo by Aneta Šebelková

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