First International Ballet School Prague

First International Ballet School Prague, the first school of its kind in the Czech Republic, focuses on training of children and young artists and provides top-level education in classical ballet with modern dance elements. The school is exceptional in many respects, with the tuition conducted exclusively in English.
The project’s founder is the ballet master of the National Theatre Veronika Iblová, a first-class pedagogue in this discipline for many years. She says of the ballet school: “Our dance school aims to work with children and teenagers on the harmonic development of not only their body but also their personality. We would like to provide them with high-quality education in classical and contemporary dance, as well as stimulate their feeling for music. To initiate them into the mystique and beauty of the art called ballet in a spontaneous form. And, at the same time, to pass on to them love and humility for this art…”
First International Ballet School Prague resides in the historic centre of Prague, close to the Charles Bridge. The pedagogues are exclusively former or current soloists of the National Theatre Ballet and active ballet masters working with professional dancers at the highest possible level on an everyday basis.

Permanent associates of the school:
Nina Brzorádová (soloist emeritus of the American Ballet Theatre, ballet master of the National Theatre)
Michaela Černá (soloist emeritus and ballet master of the National Theatre Ballet)
MgA. Mahulena Křenková (soloist emeritus, pedagogue at the Dance Department of the Faculty of Music and Dance of the Academy of Performing Arts)
Zuzana Susová (principal dancer of the National Theatre Ballet)
Václav Janeček, PhD. (soloist emeritus of Laterna magika, dramaturge, ballet master of the National Theatre Ballet)
Jan Kodet (soloist emeritus of the Gulbenkian Ballet, choreographer, ballet master of the National Theatre Ballet)
Jiří Kodym (soloist of the National Theatre Ballet)

Other advantages of the study:
▪ Close interconnection with the National Theatre Ballet – the possibility of attending rehearsals, dress rehearsals and performances.
▪ The future possibility of performing in National Theatre Ballet productions.
▪ Informal meetings with the soloists of the National Theatre Ballet.
▪ Meetings with leading foreign personalities of the world ballet scene.
▪ General education in dance, music and history of ballet, including in the form of film screenings.
▪ Especially talented pupils have the opportunity to obtain a recommendation for continuing their dance studies at renowned dance conservatories worldwide (Prague, Munich, Rotterdam, New York).
▪ The possibility of individual tuition, including preparation for exams and ballet competitions. Personal and individual care of every pupil. 

Entrance conditions:
▪ Age: 4-18 for boys and girls
▪ Knowledge of English (at least partial)
▪ Pupils are accepted on the basis of an entrance interview, during which we put emphasis on the child’s personal contact with the tutor and familiarisation with the milieu of the ballet school.

2x a week a 60-minute lesson
1x a week a 60-minute lesson (occasionally, according to the current needs and possibilities) - an optional additional lesson – informal meetings with ballet personalities, training for joint performances, screening of films with ballet themes, etc. The lesson will take place on Saturday from 5.20 p.m. and will be announced in advance. Participation is voluntary. More at:

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