Open Call for AerowavesArtist 2022
Aerowaves holds an annual open call for emerging choreographers working in geographical Europe who want to become one of the Aerowaves Twenty. These selected artists represent the most exciting dance makers in Europe and are promoted by Aerowaves for a year. Presenting partners of the Aerowaves Network choose to programme at least three of the Aerowaves Twenty in their venues or festivals.
Aerowes prides itself on its unique role as a connector between choreographers, dance programmers and dance enthusiasts across Europe. Network of 33 partners across all over Europe is a centre for exploring contemporary dance, emerging choreographers working in Europe. Now, you have a chance to become a Twenty22 artist with the opportunity to have your work presented at the Spring Forward festival in May 2022 in Elefsina (Greece), and also by many of our Aerowaves partners around Europe.
In recent years, artists from the Czech Republic have also become part of Aerowaves Twenty:
The Twenty21:
Cécile Da Costa: Roselyne
Tereza Lenerová Don’t stop!
Sabina Bočková a Johana Pocková: The Lion´s Den
The Twenty20:
Viktor Černický: PLI
Markéta Stránská: FLY!
Find more information and the application form HERE.
Deadline: Wednesday 15 September 2021 at 5 pm.