ProART Festival 2012 Announces Its Programme

ProART presents in cooperation with the National Theatre Brno, Brno Municipal Theatre, National Theatre Prague, Bolek Polivka Theatre, Stadion, Experimental space NoD the 9th International multi-genre workshop Festival ProART. The festival consists of two parts - daily artistic workshops where all participants with different professional levels choose their own programme from an extensive clasess schedule - and the festival's evening performances programme, which is twenty shows this year. Total of 27 teachers from 14 countries worldwide take part in the festival this year. In addition to “workshop fixed stars" of contemporary dance, the organizers strive every year to enrich the venture with new genres. This year besides guitar, acting, singing and photography courses one can also take part in creative writing under the guidance of starwriter Josef Formánek and play the piano with Richard Pohl. The festival is open to everyone without restrictions of age or professional level, classes are graded according to difficulty. Accompanying programme of ProART Festival will be featured at Bolek Polivka Theatre and Stadion na Kounicove in Brno and at the Experimental space NoD in Prague a week later. The guests are coming from Portugal, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Israel, and of course from the Czech Republic. The aim of ProART festival is to lure young and talented people from all over the world to joint creation in the field of theatre and art as such. The festival was inspired by the world-known Austrian ImPulsTanz festival, which takes place during summer. For five weeks it offers the best of the European dance scene on the stages of the best Austrian theatres, however, the programme of ImPulsTanz is purely dance focused. On the contrary, ProART aims for a broader range, higher complexity and openness to all art genres. For more details, please check

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