A Lover´s Discourse: Fragments

Premiere of A Lover´s Discourse: Fragments, that took place in Ponec theatre on November 9th, 2008, is a project created by Slovak director Brano Mazúch. The production, inspired by a book of the same title, by Roland Barthes, is a dance-theatre piece for two dancers (Věrka Ondrašíková, Saša Volný), two actors (Pavlína Štorková, Rostislav Novák) and two musicians (Charlie One, Michal Cáb). In sixteen images it presents words in various shapes which are not possible to pronounce in some instant of a love process. Words that only speak the language of the heart, which exist somewhere inside a person talking to himself.

On the opening night the freshness of the piece was clearly noticeable, along with the search for a concrete attitude within all performers. Placing the seats on the sides of the stage didn´t help the intimacy of the piece. We could perceive the action from different angles, but it also took away privacy which caused too much interaction. Nevertheless, the conceptual intention of the author was clear. He used the space, naturally originated situations and he was able to use them further. Concerning dance - dance vocabulary based on contact and partner work was quite narrow, despite the quality of the dancers which promised more... 

A Lover´s Discourse: Fragments is a sensitive piece about human heart and its desires, not about their fulfilment. We can´t find answers to our questions, but only analyse the state which is also the aim of the inspirational book.

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